In Phase One of the hostage exchange deal, Hamas is releasing 33 women, children, and
unhealthy men in exchange for 1,908 Palestinian prisoners. Of the 33 hostages being released, only 25 are living and 8 are deceased. That is a ratio of roughly 57 Palestinians to 1 Israeli. Is that the cost of a human life? Is one Israeli worth 57 Palestinian threats to Israeli security? Recent reports from hostages freed last week reveal that they were being held in different locations throughout Gaza, including UN camps. How is that possible, if the UN workers, regardless of nationality or religion, are supposed to be impartially providing aid to relieve humanitarian suffering? Where we joyfully celebrate the release of all hostages held in Gaza, living and dead, these questions are a few that we must ask ourselves as Phase One continues, and until all hostages are freed through subsequent release phases.
Antisemitism has plagued humanity from the time that the Hebrew people became a
significant people group in Egypt after the time of Joseph until today. When Pharaoh sent the decree to kill every male child in Egypt (Ex. 1:22) in roughly 1525 BC until this blog, the
Hebrew/Jewish people have been subject to repeated, systematic hate and violence, with multiple attempts at total genocide. What other people group has survived 3,500 years of such violence against them, let alone a people group as small as the Hebrews? Indeed, God has preserved the Jewish people throughout all the hate and violence perpetrated against them. Today, we especially remember this truth, as we reflect on the horrors of Nazi Germany for National Holocaust Remembrance Day. Whether through miracles or operating by inspiration in human agents, the Jewish people remain to this day. Despite the violence of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iranians, or any other group, they will continue to survive. Even when the addition of potentially new Hamas members swells by 1,908 in Phase One of the hostage exchange, the Jewish people will continue to endure because God has not abandoned His covenant with Abraham.
What is the cost of a life to Israel? Everything. For Gentiles who do not have a 3,500-
year history of genocidal attempts on its existence, a 57 to 1 ratio seems irrational. But to people with such a history, life has an unlimited cost. Israelis would pay any price to preserve life. As a nation surrounded by hostile countries, they’ve fought three wars in their 77-year modern history for independence and survival against overwhelming odds of hostile invading nations. Despite what the popular social and political narrative may lead many to believe, Israel is a bastion of peace, love, democracy, and morality in an ocean of malice, violence, and tyranny besetting them on all sides.
What about the partiality of the UN camps in Gaza? It should not be a surprise that these
camps, staffed largely by Muslims, would show partiality toward Israeli hostages. Since Ishmael and Jacob, there has been animosity between Arabs and Hebrews, Muslims and Jews. The UN is not a friend of Israel, or the Jewish people, either. This should be no surprise, as the International Criminal Court, with UN backing, issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu on November 21, 2024, for war crimes in the Gazan offensive. Add to this that many Hezbollah terror tunnels were located mere feet from UN bases in Southern Lebanon, and a clearer picture of the UN’s disdain for Israel comes into focus. As shocking as hostages being held in UN camps may seem to many people, it comes as no surprise to those who understand the animosity that the world holds against Israel and the Jewish people.
These reasons, and more, highlight the vitally important work of Jacob’s Refuge.
Eschatologically, we understand that these things will continue in intensity and frequency across the world as the age draws to its God-ordained conclusion. And we see the dramatic rise of Antisemitism globally since the October 3rd, 2023, massacres in Southern Israel demonstrating this truth. As I write, there are Christian groups who are vehemently opposed to Israel and the Jewish people, continuing the age-old false narrative of claiming Jews as “Christ killers” and spreading their ignorance on social media. Entire Christian institutions, such as the Roman Catholic Church, hold opposing views against Israel and the Jewish people. But we must not forget that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, coming from the tribe of Judah, and is the descendant of King David. He will rule and reign for 1,000 years in Jerusalem on the throne of David. Indeed, He reigns now in the Kingdom of Heaven but will soon return in wrath as the Lion of Judah. His first advent saw Him come as the suffering servant, the Son of Joseph. But His second coming will be as the conquering king, the Son of David. That time draws nearer every day.
Whether it is persecuted Christians or Jews, we must show love and compassion in any
way that we can. You can help us raise awareness of, and contend against, Antisemitism by donating to Jacob’s Refuge. You can also volunteer to be a friendly contact with local synagogues, bringing material aid and support to them, as needed. Finally, you could support the mission by purchasing various merch products through our website, All proceeds go toward our work, and you’ll look great too. We always need people willing to help us with fundraising, social media promotion, and more.
What will history books record about your life? Will you be known as someone of
intention or someone of action? Will they say that you talked a good game or one who acted when injustice arose? Will they say that your love was seen in your deeds? Will your deeds inspire your children, or will they struggle to find a heritage of action when you pass from this life to the next? The choice is yours, and it will echo in eternity.
“A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows
courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”
-Saint Basil